1a) Yet Another C Book, and using C to map out the game of Go.
Yes, yet another C book, because of three particular issues when attempting to study the C programming language, using quite a number of existing books that discuss C.
First: Yes, apparently quite a number of coders are quite proficient at coding in C.
Second: Unfortunately, No, these same coders can't figure out how to coherently and concisely explain and teach C.
Third: And such particularly occurring when a student is just starting in coding and really needs to have extremely simple and comprehensive explanations of coding and language details.---Which, by the way, is basically any student entirely.
At this moment, the plan is for ten chapters and a series of appendices.
Chapter four is incrementing along, pending a somewhat chaotic schedule---that separate work and rent and bills thing does keep chewing up resources . . . !
The chapters:
01) Introduction to C:
C history, different generations of resulting C code.
Coding, comments, compilers, Clang, GCC, Clang-format, Hello World.
02) Functions.
03) Debugging.
04) Variables.
05) Memory housekeeping.
06) Code housekeeping and other aspects of flowcharting.
07) Loops.
08) Sorting, Threads, Conway's Life.
09) Random and assorted C language Other.
10) Qt.
Character charts: ascii, utf-8, unicode.
Clang error messages.
GCC error messages.
Generations and versions of C, Ansi, 99, 11, 18, etc.
Header files and functions list.
Memory usage and handling in C.
The Cathedral And The Bazaar.
Torvalds on documentation.
Index---some concepts will have to be gone over in layers, and thus indexed.
Following the completion of a first draft, then a second editing pass through the entire text, the C language final project will be a collection of programs for mapping out and playing the game of Go, and a number of other games.
1b) Python
Oh, basically, Python, where by that point one will have already done a detailed study and project based demonstration of all aspects of C.
1c) Rust
At this point there is rather a bit of commentary on Rust turning up, including inclusion in Linux, already in use in malware, Etc.
2a) Small through large scale *nix operation and administration
Basically the study plan is pick through the notes of the BSD/Linux Certification program of the BSD Certification Group, Linux Professional Institute, and so forth, to start with the very basics of *nix operation and upkeep, work towards the quite understood operations of a very interconnected cluster of *nix boxes that are also doing emulation of other OSes.
As one variety of study, consider what happens when booting up a *nix system that itself is running a full set of assorted servers, web, mail, firewall, Etc. Now describe what every one of those startup messages mean, with variations.
2b) The collected HTML/CSS/Javascript/KISS
What is HTML and what can one do with it?
What is CSS and what can one do with it with HTML?
What is Javascript and what can one do with it when adding into HTML and CSS?
What is Keep It Simple, Stupid, and how and why is KISS the ultimate guide to designing and operating any website under any circumstance?
What happens when two to four differently programmed A.I.s consider a series of choices and options in competition with each other?
When an A.I. Is taught to play the game of Go, where the rules are modified for three dimensional play, and for more than two players, how does that A.I. do when playing against an A.I. trained to play the standard two dimensional and two player game? Furthermore, what do the two A.I.s learn as a result of playing against each other?
When developing the use of deepfake procedures in filmmaking, what does a production of William Shakespeare's Richard III look like, when actually starring Richard III?
2c2) Computer animated film production and rendering farm study using video game production software.
As noted below, how any individual, working alone or in small teams, can make any computer animated narrative movie, which is increasingly lifelike, using software which is point and click operated, extremely established, actively being developed and upgraded, and which is free of charge, all while using a standard personal computer.
The Unreal Engine started as a more or less standard video game construction system. Over time it has become open source software and now is an extremely developed computer animation production system that should be very interesting to study and work with . . . .
Particular research interest areas:
Multiple massively networked computer operating system and installation virtualization research
Studying networking creation and operation,
Studies of multiple computer databases,
Studies of computer animation render farm creation and operation.
3) Research and test virtualized network creation and operation that interconnects multiple virtualized OS installations.
4) Research and test the creation of Beowulf and other forms of clustering based on multiple copies of virtualized FreeBSD and other OSes.
5) Research and test installation and operation of Unreal Engine 5 when running on Linux and mebbe FreeBSD.
6) Research and test the creation of an Unreal Engine 5 render farm based on multiple copies of virtualized and networked installations of Linux or FreeBSD.
7) Using gaming research and study covered by the coding studies and projects, research and test artificial intelligence creation and operation, particularly in a game playing environment.
Database creation, modelling, and study based on assorted board and card games
The primary interest is the creation and operation of the database of game play for each variety and variation of board or card game, with a definite focus on data redundancy elimination and other forms of data compression, and aspects of data indexing and retrieval.
As of a time in writing this, with all very much under development, the intent is to use HTML, CSS, and related bits of JavaScript for any front end work that gets developed. For the back end and major data crunching, a distinct expectation is Python or mebbe Golang, very much with some some particular use of SQL . . . Postgres, MySQL, SQLite??, while noting all still being thought about and while noting that Datasette is a very interesting possibility.
A further interest will be to assess artificial intelligence engines and generators, observe AI based game play and strategy using research from the network studies and projects and related.
Go is a strategy board game that is usually played with black and white stones that are placed on the intersections of a usually odd numbered grid. The usual full board is a 19x19 square, where beginner games are also played on a 9x9 or 13x13 grid, and board sizes can also go up to 25x25. The aim of each player is to end up controlling more territory, usually by surrounding the territory, occasionally by capturing opposing stones.
The study in this instance is to map out the basic game, starting with a 3x3 grid, then 5x5 and try to continue up to 25x25. Variations to be considered and explored are three and more dimensional play, different shape boards, and three or more players, and thus additional sets and colors of stones.
Major Card Games: major poker, major blackjack, major baccarat
Poker is a collective name for a number of card games where the aim of each player is to achieve a particular preagreed variety of cards that will beat the other players. Blackjack is a game where the aim is for each player to get a count of 21 or as close to that without going over, and to get a higher count than the opposing player. With baccarat, the basic aim is the same as blackjack, only counting up to 9, instead.
For playing the major card games, the play is absolutely identical with all other forms of the respective games that usually use a 52 card deck, except that the card deck to be used for major game play is the more or less standard 78 card tarot deck---being either the standard game tarot or divination tarot, depending. In either case, a tarot deck is made of two sets of cards. One set is pretty much the standard 52 card deck, except with four face cards instead of three, and is called the minor cards. The second set is 22 additional cards called the trumps, or major cards. In the case of a gaming tarot deck, the cards are reversible just like a 52 card deck, with no particular up or down. With a divination deck, the cards are upright only, and thus allow the placement of upside down cards, which is called reversing. With the difference caused by the change of playing deck, the three differences in the play of the games are:
1) The major cards are counted as three additional suits of cards.
2) Any hand with any major card beats any hand with no major card.
3) When playing with a divination tarot deck, any reversed card beats the same card when upright.
Thud is a board game devised by Trevor Truran and first published in 2002, inspired by the Discworld novels of Terry Pratchett rather than originating in them. It bears a strong resemblance to the ancient Norse games of Hnefatafl and Tablut but has been changed to be less one-sided. The two sides are dwarfs and trolls. In the game, the objective is to eliminate as many of the opposition's pieces as possible. The two antagonists are the trolls and the dwarfs, the trolls being few in number (but individually very powerful), while there are a large number of dwarfs, but each individual dwarf is very weak and requires support from nearby dwarfs to be of use against the trolls. As in fox games, the two sides have different pieces with different movement and attacking styles. Thud uses an unconventional, octagonal board divided into smaller squares.
Cripple Mr Onion
Cripple Mr Onion was originally a fictional card game played by characters in the Terry Pratchett novels of Wyrd Sisters, Reaper Man, Witches Abroad, Men At Arms, and Lords and Ladies. A game called Shibo Yancong-San also appears in the novel Interesting Times. These mentions were used by Dr Andrew Millard and Prof. Terry Tao as the basis for an actual card game. The complete rules and design of this game were posted on USENET around 1993. It contains elements of blackjack and poker. Following these rules being posted on USENET, they were approved by Pratchett himself.
Stealth Chess and Active Chess Stealth Chess is a chess variant, played in the Ankh-Morpork Assassins' Guild, according to The Discworld Companion.
Stealth Chess is similar to normal chess, with the exception of an extra piece and the widening of the board by two specially-colored fields (red and white are described, as opposed to the normal black and white) on either side, known as the Slurks. The extra piece is the Assassin (appearing on either side of the Rooks in the beginning of the game), the only piece to be able to move in the Slurk.
The Assassin moves one square in any direction, and two to capture; however, on exiting the Slurks, the assassin may make as many moves as it has taken within the Slurks and, optionally, a capture move.
Active Chess was created as a solution for those who fantasize that chess can be considered a study of strategy, tactics, and warfare. The reality of play in the passive and standard variety of chess is that one piece is moved at one time, so that the game recreates a fencing match with toothpicks, or any bureaucracy as seen from the inside. To play Active Chess, one single move by one player involves the ability to move up to all pieces on one side of the game, moving each piece to the full capability of that piece as prescribed by standard chess rules, including all captures made during that collective move.
A noted complication with Active Chess is that with a standard limited 8x8 board, game play then starts to resemble a fight using Bowie knives in a bathroom stall. As a solution to that, the large board variation calls for placing four standard chess boards together for a playing area of 16x16, where the pieces then face off from the center of opposing sides.
How any individual, working alone or in small teams, can make any computer animated narrative movie, which is increasingly lifelike, using software which is point and click operated, extremely established, actively being developed and upgraded, and which is free of charge, All while using a standard personal computer.
The Additional: Additional assorted and ongoing research and interests: